The Mound, Part 2
The exciting conclusion to The Mound short story.
“That was at the front gates!” screamed Arlo. “Sarah, Bill, and Charlie, stay here and clear up the infected, the rest of you come with me.
Arlo darted towards the direction of the explosion with Kace and the rest of the night shift racing behind him. Panicked screams and cries of terror rang throughout The Mound. Arlo hurled himself down side streets yelling at anyone he saw to head to their safety areas to be accounted for by their respective safety officers.
As he made it to the main street, a hail of bullets, barely missing his head, forced him back behind one of the community trucks parked on the street. Kace crashed into Arlo’s back a fell on the dirt road. Pulling himself up behind the truck with Arlo, they were showered with broken glass from the truck door which shattered around them. Returning fire, Arlo screamed over his gun, “we need to stop them from getting any further into the camp. Kace, I need you, Amy, and Jack to make your way down the right-hand sidewalk. Tim, Casey, and myself will go around to the left and we will try to funnel them back towards the front gates.” Pulling out his walkie, Arlo directed command to coordinate the rest of the community’s fighters to help with funneling the intruders towards the front gate and to send a secondary team to sweep the community to make sure no one made it beyond the main street.
Kace and his team darted from the trunk toward the right side on the street under the cover fire of Arlo’s group. As soon as they were in position, Kace, Amy and Jack engaged with the nameless enemy to give Arlo enough time to make it out from behind the truck. Once Arlo’s group were in position, Kace and his team stealthily made their way down the street. Wiping sweat out of his eyes, Kace focused his attention to someone moving behind a parked car just ahead of them. Kace held his position until he saw a person in black tactical gear emerge from behind the car with its gun drawn. Kace fired a hail of bullets toward the direction of the car until he saw the lifeless body drop to the ground. Without warning, a group of soldiers in black appeared from a nearby alley firing shots towards Kace’s direction. Instinctively, Kace dove out of the way just in time to dodge the assault but the same could not be said for Jack who fell back spread eagle on the payment. They were pent down. Kace’s heart felt like it was trying to escape his chest. He could taste the sweat and dirt in his mouth as he found his footing. “Amy we have to get out of here. There are too many of them.”
“No we can’t! If we don’t stop them from getting further inside, then we will lose the camp!” Amy yelled as she returned fire. “Arlo is expecting us to hold this side down.”
Another explosion knocked them both off their feet. Amy went flying across the alley as her body slammed into the opposite wall and hit the ground hard. Pieces of brick and wood sprinkled on top of her. The force of the blast threw Kace further down the alley where he hit his head hard against the dirt payment. Disoriented, Kace tried to shake away his blurry vision which caused his head to throb even more. Hot blood trickled down his face from a newly garnered gash across his forehead.
“No! Stop!” Kace heard the pleas of one of the attackers which echoed at a distance in his concussed head. Kace peered down towards the main street and saw one of the soldiers in black trying to wrestle away an infected, which was clawing and growling over top him. It’s teeth sank into its victim’s throat, causing a gurgle of blood to spill out of the soldier’s mouth as he choke out his last breath.
There was no more saving the camp. The infected had made their way into the camp and Kace knew he had to act quickly. His living quarters was a few streets over. If he could just get to his stash, he could slip away and put as much distant between himself and the settlement as possible.
Kace stumbled to his feet. A pounding headache made it difficult for him to focus his eyes. As the fuzziness in his head cleared, the smoke and debris filled all his senses. He blindly headed towards the opposite end of the alley and tripped over a body. It was Amy. He put his hand close to her nose. Her breath was weak, but she was still alive. Kace tried his walkie but it was split open with wires hanging out of its side by the force of the blast. He knew that he had to get her to safety but at what cost?
You can’t just leave her, he thought. I barely know her, his mind replied. Why should I risk my life for her or any of these people.
After a moment’s thought, he stepped over Amy and started toward the end of the alley. Within a few steps, he heard a gnarled growl from behind him. Whipping his head around he saw the infected man descending upon Amy. Against every instinct, Kace pulled out his knife and plunged it into the infected man’s skull. After dragging the man off of her, he threw Amy’s body over his shoulders and headed toward the direction of his cabin.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” Kace cursed at himself. Rounding the corner, Kace found himself staring face to face with two more infected. Narrowly dodging their outstretched hands, Kace clumsily changed direction and headed up the street with the infected right on their heels. Even though Amy wasn’t really heavy, her extra weight made him significantly slower. Slow enough for the infected to gain ground on him.
Drop her, a voice deep inside his head said. That’ll give you enough time to escape. Who would ever know? Kace felt himself letting Amy slip off his shoulders.
“Hey in here!” a voice rang out from a cracked open door in a nearby buildings. Kace tighten his grip on Amy and slid in between the doorway and fell unto the wooden floor. Looking up he saw the faces of two children and their worried mother.
“Kace are you okay?” She asked. “Sam get some water and fresh towels for their wounds.” The older child hurried to a corner to retrieve his mother’s request. “Kace we need to clean that cut on your head.”
Loud gun fire erupted just outside the cabin. “We don’t have time for that,” Kace said waving off the help. “Do you have smelling salt or anything that can wake her?”
“Yeah we do!” said the youngest child, eager to be of help. She ran off and quickly came back with a small sack stuffed with little white packets. Kace took one and waved it under Amy’s nose.
“Kace, do you know where William is? He was on night duty tonight.” the mother said, reading Kace’s face trying to extract any information that might divulge the whereabouts of her husband.
With all that had gone on that night, Kace couldn’t quite remember where Bill was when he saw him. Did he see him at the north gate helping to kill the decoy infected, or was he there at the fire fight at the front entrance?
“Rebecca, right?”
“Becca. You can call me Becca.” she corrected.
Kace scanned the room. All three of them were listening to him intently. “The last time I saw him was at the north gate far away from the explosion. I’m sure he’s fine.” Turning back to Amy, Kace pulled out more smelling salt and put it under her nose. “Listen we have to get out of here. Whoever attacked us is getting farther into the camp and the infected are right behind them.”
“What about Dad?” the youngest protested. “We have to wait for Dad.”
“Jude, your father will find us. But we need to make sure we stay safe so that he will be able to find us, okay.” their mother reassured them. Turning to Kace she said, “what’s the plan?”
“Um, well, you and your family were assigned an emergency area, correct? I think you guys and Amy should head that way to check in.”
“Us and Amy? What about you?” Becca said confused. “Aren’t you coming with us?”
“I’m heading to my cabin and retrieving my gear. After that I’m out of here.” Kace said flatly.
“You’re leaving?” Becca said incredulously. “What about Bill? He still is out there and he might need your help. What about the rest of the people in the camp? You can’t just leave us.”
“Can’t you hear what’s going on outside? I need to get out of here. This place is done. The best move is to get as far away-”
“No, you’re wrong!” Becca said fiercely. “We have to fight. There are people out there who need us, who need you.”
“Look. I’ll help you guys get to your emergency area to be accounted for, but after that I’m leaving. Now we can debate about it all you want or you can grab your things and we can leave as soon as I wake Amy.” Kace retorted.
After a brief pause in which Becca weighed her options, she instructed her kids to get their things over their protests. Becca went to the corner of the cabin and pulled a rifle, a couple of hand guns, and a bag of ammunition from under the floor board. She gave a hand gun to her children and began distributing out ammunition. “You help us get to the community emergency area so that we can regroup with the others. After that you can do what you want, but I’m staying and looking for my husband.” Becca said, leering at Kace. The fear and worry were erased from Becca’s face and replaced with full blown resilience.
Kace was finally able to wake Amy. He helped her to her feet as she looked around confused. “What, what happened?”
“Listen Amy, we don’t have time to explain. We need to move, okay.” Kace shoved her gun in her arms. “Becca is there a back way out?”
“Yes, follow me.” Becca led them down a narrow hall that descended down a short flight of steps to the back door of the cabin.
Kace moved to the front of the line and nudged the door open enough to peak out. The back street was mercifully empty. Without wasting time he led the group down the street. His plan was to led them to the community emergency area while taking the route that would led them right pass his living quarters. They avoided any area with gun fire because Kace didn’t want to risk getting into a fire fight with his current company as backup. Once or twice they had to slow their progress to deal with infected. Once they were level with the street that Kace’s lived on, he paused the group behind a building on the corner. Kace peeked down the street and saw it was deserted.
“Listen guys,” Kace whispered. “I’m going to grab my things real quick.”
“Grab what things?” Amy said furrowing her eyebrows.
“Kace wants to leave this place.” spat Becca. “Wants to abandon the entire community.”
“Kace you can’t-”
“Amy we don’t have time. I made my decision. I’m helping you guys out until I get you to the emergency area, and then I’m gone.”
“No Amy I made up my-”
“No look,” Amy said pointing down the street.
Three soldiers came out one of the buildings. They appeared to be looting the residential areas cabin by cabin.
“Shit.” Kace’s mind was racing. How was he going to get his things now?
“Kace, there is no way you can get your stuff now. We have to go.” Becca implored.
“Wait here.” Kace told the others.
“No way. If you want to risk your life then go ahead, but I am not going to let you put my children in danger.” Becca said through gritted teeth.
“Okay then you guys can go. Amy can escort you.” Without letting them express their objections, Kace slipped from behind the building and carefully made his way down the street. Kace slowly crept pass the three gunman as they had not reached his cabin yet. Once he reached his cabin, he pulled himself into a side window of the building. Darting up the flight of wooden steps to his room, he stuffed his stash full of supplies and ammunition into a duffle bag. He flung himself under his bed and emerged with a sack of canned goods and dehydrated food. After he scanned the room and was satisfied that he didn’t forget anything, he rushed back down the steps. Relief started to fill his lungs as he knew he was one step closer to freedom. One step closer to leaving this place behind.
“What’d ya got there chief?” A raspy voice said from the corner of the room. One of the gunman was pointing a gun at Kace with a smirk growing on his face. “I thought I saw someone slip into here. Why don’t you just drop your gun. Slowly.”
Kace’s heart fell down to his overly worn hiking boots. There was nothing for him to do but comply. He slowly put his rifle on the ground and kicked it to the side.
“Good. Now toss your bag over to me,” he jestered with his hand gun.
Kace removed his duffle bag from his shoulders and toss it at his assailant’s feet.
“Now, on your knees with your legs crossed and hands interlocked behind your head.”
With great frustration, Kace complied. Why didn’t I just stay with Becca and Amy? Kace thought.
They probably regrouped with the rest of the community and are planning their counter attack.
Would I still be alive by that time?
Looking the gunman in his bearded face, a cold chill crept up his spine with an answer to his question. Not likely.
The soldier bent slightly to retrieve the gun. Without a thought, Kace sprang to his feet and rushed the man. Shocked by this sudden attack, the soldier let off a shot aimed at Kace’s head. It missed its mark as Kace tackled the soldier to the ground. The gun was knocked across the room which sent both men scrambling to reclaim it. Kace was able to get his hand on the gun first but the soldier quickly landed on top of him, pinning the gun to the floor. Kace felt a sharp pain in his side as the soldier started kneeing his rib cage. With every stiff blow, Kace felt his grip loosen around the gun. Unable to suppress the pain of a surely broken rib, threw the gun as hard as he could to the other side of the room. The soldier chased after his gun while Kace went after his rifle which was laying under the window seal. With his ribs screaming in protest, Kace tried with every bit of energy within him to get to his rifle, but the soldier was too quick. Kace squeezed his eyes shut, submitting to his fate. A loud gun shot filled the room with a mussel flash, however, Kace did not feel any pain from the bullet. Assuming that he missed, Kace scooped up his rifle and wheeled around ready to fire. But standing there was Amy, pointing her smoking revolver over the soldier who laid lifeless on the floor.
Panting, Kace struggled to his feet, favoring his right side. Amy rushed over to help him.
“Thanks,” Kace said sheepishly.
Amy looked at Kace through a side eye, “That was really selfish Kace.”
“I know, I…I’m sorry.”
They made their way outside. Becca and her kids were going through the pockets of the other two soldiers who laid dead on the ground.
“Hey guys, I’m sorry for ditching you-”
“We need to move.” Becca said sternly.
The group made their way down the street. After passing a few houses, gun fire rang out on the adjacent street.
“There might be other people that need our help.” said Amy.
“I’ll go. Amy you take the others to the emergency area.” said Kace. “I’m not leaving. I promise,” he add after seeing the skepticism in their faces.
“We can help!” said Becca’s oldest.
“No,” objected Kace. “You guys have risked enough because of me. I can’t put you guys in anymore danger.”
“The whole point of this place is to embrace community, Kace.” Becca said. “Working together, that’s how this place survives. That’s how we survive. Let us help you.”
“But your kids.”
“My kids can handle themselves. Their father taught them well.” Becca said.
Kace looked down at them and their innocent, eager deposition was replaced with a mature determination. “Okay, let’s head over.”
The group rounded the corner making sure to stay close to the building at the end of the block. Kace peeked around the edge of the building to find a group of community members pinned down inside of the mess hall by several soldiers firing from outside. “Okay, Amy and I will try to circle around to get on the other side of them, you guys setup here and we can attack them from both sides.”
“Okay, but be careful, the guys inside don’t know you’re out there. You don’t want to get hit by friendly fire.” Becca warned. Amy and Kace cautiously rounded past the soldiers without being seen. Once in position, they waved at Becca. Her and her children took up positions on the other side of the soldiers. Then at once, they began their attack. The plan worked to perfection. Unprepared by the attack, the soldier’s confusion and disorganization made them easy to pick off. Once the last soldier fell, they all regrouped in front of the house.
“You guys saved our butts.” said a smiling Arlo as he and the other community members filed out of the cabin. “Man, I honestly thought I wouldn’t see you again Kace. I’m glad you decided to stick around.”
Heat rose up into Kace’s face as the embarrassment of what really happened bubbled inside of him. “Well, actually I-”
“He was great.” interjected Amy. “I was knocked out and he got me to Becca and her family.”
“Wow, nice man.” Arlo said slapping Kace on the back.
“Speaking of my family, have you seen William? He was on night duty.” said Becca, eager for answers.
“Bill is doing fine, Becca.” Arlo reassured. He and the other guys on the night watch have been working with the off duty guys to round up the attackers. I think they are just doing a final sweep of the place to make sure there aren’t any stranglers the last time I spoke to him. That was just before we got jumped by these guys.” Arlo pointed around to where the dead soldiers laid.
“Do we know who they are?” asked Amy.
“No, not yet. But we have a couple of them locked out in the out house and we plan on interrogating them. Don’t worry we’ll make sure they…” Arlo stopped in mid sentence as gun fire rang out once more.
“Get down!” screamed Kace as he and Amy wheeled around to return fire.
“There still must be a few guys left.” yelled Kace, engaging two soldiers a few houses down. The soldiers were overwhelmed by the groups defensive response and they quickly bolted down the street.
“Should we go after them Arlo? Arlo?” Kace looked back to see Arlo on the ground holding his stomach as blood trickled out of his mouth. Kace dropped to his side to help stopper the bullet wound. “We need help over here!”
Amy grabbed a walkie from one of the community members and dropped down to Arlo’s side. “We need medical supplies by the mess hall, now! Arlo has been shot!” She directed a group of people to hunt down the two gunman.
“Arlo, stay with us.” implored Kace.
“Kace,” Arlo said faintly as he struggled to find his voice. “This community is strong if we stay together. Isolation is easy, but it will only lead to death. You have to learn to trust again. You have to learn to open yourself up to love again.”
“Hey man, save your breath, you’re going to be okay.”
“These people need you, as much as you need them.” Arlo choked out as his last words.
Kace sat there, frozen in fear and in anger, not being able to process what he was feeling.
— -
“We’ve been sitting in this room for hours Dad. What’s taking so long?” a small boy said impatiently.
“Shhh, Jeffrey. We’re lucky to have found this place.” the father responded. “Even more lucky they were nice enough to give us food and water. So if we have to wait longer, then that’s what we’re going to do.”
The door of the room swung open and Amy appeared in the doorway. “Hey guys, come outside. I want to introduce you to someone.”
The man and his son walked out into the bright sun following Amy unto the main street. “Sorry we had you wait so long, we are putting the final touches to the front gate. It’s been a long couple of months getting it constructed again and we wanted to make sure it went smoothly.”
“That’s completely fine,” the man reassured her. “We really appreciate the food and water. It’s been tough out there.”
“No problem at all. I can only imagine.” Amy said, walking them up to a man wiping his head with a towel. “Andrew, Jeffrey, I’d like to introduce you to Kace.”
Kace greeted the new strangers with a warming smile and handshake. “Hey guys, welcome to The Mound. Let me show you around.”